Wieden+Kennedy “The Kennedys” Application
My Role: Concept, Design, and Photography

When Wieden+Kennedy announced they were seeking reckless individuals to join their 6 month creative incubator, I knew I had to apply. I decided to show them my trash so they could see who I am. Doing so made me a finalist in the extremely competitive applicant pool.

The application consisted of five questions, and tasked applicants with using any creative forms necessary to show off our answers.

I decided to use my trash as a vessel with which to answer each question. I painstakingly staged each scene with the proper trash, and then took photos from overhead. Once the photos were done, I made a website called lookthroughmytrash.com where the creative directors could see it all come together.

Question 1: Show us who you are.

Question 2: If you could hack any company without repercussions, what would you make them say, release, do, or change?

Question 3: Convince us to love the color green.

Question 4: What’s something you irrationally hate? Convince us to hate it too.

Question 5: What’s something you want to make but don’t have the resources for right now?


WHOOP: Year in Review


WHOOP: Summer Brights